I believe… Meditation gives you the gift of existing in the present moment… and developing trust in your intuition -- your inner self… and there is no other freedom like it.
Meditation comes in many forms, do whatever form works for you in this moment. Don't compare your meditation or spiritual practice to any others… and don't judge. But rather, be open to learning from others and sharing your experience with them. Be open to what it is that settles your mind, and embrace it.
I have an ever-evolving mediation practice that is varied, growing and well-rounded based on what my intuition guides me toward in that moment. The only constant is that I do it daily… consistently - in whatever form feels right for right now.
7 Meditation Methods for Pure Happiness
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.
Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
Guided meditation was my first introduction to meditating and I still make this part of my practice regularly. It broke the barrier I had with meditating because it taught me how -- how to keep my mind focused and present with what I was doing -- even with the constant stream of thoughts that come into my head. The voice - the guide, serves as a continuous reminder to remain focused on the meditation. Thoughts come in, but you learn to let them go. There are great resources for guided meditations on YouTube, and also countless that you can purchase in iTunes or on a CD. Some of my favorites authors of guided meditations are Kelly Howell "Universal Mind Meditation" and Abraham Hicks.
“Mindfulness isn't difficult, we just need to remember to do it.”
Mindfulness meditation is a form of meditation that simply practices being present and aware with what you are doing at this moment. Rather than having thoughts race through your mind about what you should be doing instead, the argument you had last night with your spouse, what is on your to-do list for tomorrow, etc…. you allow your mind to be aware of what is happening in this moment. You allow thoughts to come in like a wave - acknowledging them, then easily letting them go… returning your focus to what you are doing right now. A technique that helps me with this comes from Eckhart Tolle, and it is to put attention and awareness on my body -- feeling the liveliness of your inner body. This form of meditation can literally be practiced anytime and anywhere - while you are doing the dishes, on a walk, eating a meal, out with friends… anything, just allow your mind and your thoughts to be fully aware and present in exactly what you are doing.
“The problem with introspection is that it has no end.”
Contemplative meditation is the form of meditation where time is spent in introspection -- contemplating oneself, situations and experiences in life. It is a deliberate processing of thoughts with the pure intention of better understanding oneself for inner growth and expansion. Like all meditations, you practice contemplative meditation with an open heart and mind - without placing judgement or blame onto your thoughts.
“Have love for your inner Self and everything else is done for you.”
Affirmations are an extremely effective method of mediation that allows you to grow in self love - which is where all transformations start. Affirmations allow you to uncover negative blocks (often ones that you are unaware of) that prevent you from living out your divine purpose. Affirmations can be spoken verbally to yourself, written down, spoken silently to yourself or listened to through a guided form. To be honest - at first affirmations feel awkward or silly. But if you keep practicing them - the benefits will unfold in your life. Affirmations can be anything you want to tell yourself and believe, some examples are, "I love you" "You are safe" "My work is creative" "My life is filled with grace" "I make plenty of money doing what I love" "I am joyous" … what matters is stating your affirmation consistently and from your heart. Not just memorizing it and saying it from you mind - but feeling it from your heart. Tip: if you struggle with this at first, imagine that you are saying these affirmations to somebody you love deeply. Saying them like you mean them -- because you do. Once you can generate that feeling of love and sincerity, practice the affirmations with yourself - while maintaing that feeling of love and sincerity. Louise L. Hay, founder of Hay House is renowned and recognized for her advocacy in the power affirmations. "Pinch me Living" on YouTube offers a great example of guided affirmation exercises.
"I get those fleeting, beautiful moments of inner peace and stillness - and then the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day, I'm a human trying to make it through in this world."
"It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision."
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."
Gratitude meditation: Although it can be hard to see at times, there is always something to be grateful for in life. Even the challenging times are a gift as they are steps toward personal growth, understanding and learning. Gratitude brings an awareness to your life that allows you to see the preciousness of each moment, of each day and this entire life experience. This form of meditation is also one that can be done anytime and anywhere… by simply bringing your attention to what it is that deserves gratitude in this moment. There is always something. As often as you can, bring your attention to the present moment and recognize what it is about this moment that is worth being grateful for. In my experience, if I am feeling sad or negative, I can shift my emotions from negative to positive by simply expressing gratitude for what is around. Some things I express gratitude for are: hot water for my showers, delicious meals, gestures of kindness, rude people… as they allow me to practice my compassion, friends, family, the feeling of love (in all forms), the health of my physical body, nature, the wonder of technological advancements, beauty (in all forms) and creative expression.
Thank you.
with love,
Katie Lain
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