Friday, April 14, 2017

i take credit for nothing

i take credit for nothing
i owe everything in my life to everyone around me
and all i gave was my will…

to create, to exist…to live

Thursday, February 9, 2017

life's seduction

cast a 
soft gaze 
upon life -
and allow its 
seductively sweet teachings
to unfold

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

this is how we change the world

i express my love for life
by smiling at strangers as I pass them by
silently yet deeply wishing them great joy and happiness
recognizing that they are divinity -
sparked into life.
and i am, too.
this is how we change the world.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

intentions and actions

In every moment,
before you act
before you do
silently inquire on your intentions. Question your reason. Why?
At first, the answer may not be clear.
But if you keep asking,
the reason will reveal itself.
And realize that this reason, this intention,
that comes before ALL that you do –
may have many layers – many masks to remove.
Revealing underneath… infinite wisdom!
And this infinite wisdom is filled with some sort of magic.
Housed with the seed of transformation.
To teach you – that maybe, at times, it’s best just to be, rather than to do.