Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Manifesting Abundance

I love this video and wanted to share.... he speaks about experiencing true joy and happiness in life, no matter what circumstances arise in your life. Developing this unconditional inner happiness manifests more of it in your life. Please ENJOY!
Video by Jason Gallant

Thursday, April 17, 2014

embrace all of your moments

two cents for today…

Every single moment you encounter in life is essential to your personal development and personal growth.  Embrace and truly experience all situations. Be with the moment. There is a valuable lesson to be learned and always something to reflect upon. 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Riding the Waves of Life

At my Buddhism meeting last night, our teacher spoke about acceptance of what is in life – in order to stay present and to enjoy this moment, since it is all we have. When presence is put into practice, you develop the ability, the gift, to experience all situations – good and bad, without reaction but with embrace. Life becomes more of a magical observation that you are a part of - rather than an experience separate from yourself.  To exist in a state of being, to “go with the flow,” provides an inner peace and true joy within oneself – no matter what happens to or around you. You start to embrace and truly see the beauty in everything.... and this feeling is liberating.

A little prelude...
For the first 20-something years of my life, I was entirely at the whim of my circumstances - good or bad and everything in between. Because of this, I suffered from turbulent emotional ups and downs. I mostly internalized the downs for fear of judgment from others - which lead to deeply rooted self hate, self sabotage through eating disorders and lack of self care. I was regularly anxious and stressed.  I never felt good enough or worthy enough - no matter what I was doing. My life felt out of control and my internal state of being depended completely on what was happening around me.

Throughout this time in my life, I would encounter people who could go with the flow and be calm, cool and genuinely happy in nearly any circumstance. They seemed to have it figured out and I would never forget them and always admire them. Feeling burnt out with my current state of life - and at times very depressed and even suicidal, I wanted to exist in a better way so badly that it drove me to search for ways to improve my emotional state. What I found was transformational and profound... and I learned that there is essentially an endless amount of people, information, spiritual practices - you name it, that taught me and can teach you to exist differently - and it has been a growing, expansive gift ever since. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. -- Tao saying.
What I've learned...
When your state of being is at the whim of your surroundings, circumstances, people, events… this means that your state of happiness or sadness (and everywhere in between) relies fully on your outer experience – which is entirely out of your control and always susceptible to change. It becomes an emotional roller coaster. However, when you can generate the ability to accept all situations and circumstances as they are, without placing blame or judgment on them – you achieve a state of peacefulness. The more you practice this, the longer you can remain in that state...  trusting that everything will be okay regardless of what circumstances come into your life.

This way of living, of being, is something that can be extremely difficult to put into action or even grasp, because humans are creatures of habit... we spend our lives acting on patterns of habit and patterns of thought that become more and more ingrained the longer we practice them. We are, however, fully capable of changing and creating new habit patterns and thought patterns that can positively transform your life forever in ways you never saw as possible. At first it feels forced, uncomfortable, unnatural and wrong; but, the more you act on a new habit, the easier it gets and soon enough, it feels as natural. With this transformation, an unconditional state of joy arises. 

The first step to take is to simply have the desire to change....the desire to be a better version of yourself. Once you have this, keep asking questions and keep searching for ways to improve. Most importantly, it takes practice, patience and diligent effort. It does not happen over night. But once the effort is put in place, then every single day of your life becomes a beautiful, rich growing experience - and you begin to notice small changes within yourself which magnify ten times over in all areas of your life.

Some things that got me started...
As I mentioned above, there are countless resources available for internal growth and life transformation. Listed below are just a few of the resources that have been impactful in my life... and it is important to understand how much USEFUL content is on YouTube. This has been a SENSATIONAL resource for me and still is today.

1. The work of Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra (and many Spiritual teachers) who can put into words things that are so hard to understand.
Tony Robbins - Life Coach, Self-Help Author and Motivational Speaker
I started by simply listening to Tony Robbins talks/presentations on YouTube.

3. Books on Neuroscience... there are so many.
Reading about the brain taught me that my brain is not stuck where it is. I learned how to retrain ingrained thought/reaction patterns which are entirely linked to our emotional and physical way of living.

4. Guided Meditations. Regular practice of good guided meditations that resonate with you can change the way you think and feel. I personally really like Kelly Howell
5. Movies! Have you seen What the Bleep do we Know, The Secret, I Am, or You Can Heal Your Life?
6. Having a spiritual practice... whatever that means to you. Connecting with nature, a religion, giving back, expressing unconditional love, prayer, silent meditation, expressing gratitude... whatever it is that allows you to connect with your soul.
Thank you, all for now.
With love.
Katie Lain

Sunday, April 6, 2014

100 simple lil' things to be grateful for

100 simple lil' things to be grateful for <3

live with soul

  1. warmth of the sunshine
  2. true friendships
  3. a kind gesture
  4. gardening
  5. delicious food
  6. making love
  7. the dawn of a new season
  8. beautiful voices
  9. comfortable bed to sleep in
  10. the feeling of love
  11. the beauty of nature
  12. talented people
  13. romance
  14. the sky
  15. meeting new people
  16. peace
  17. palm trees
  18. humorous moments
  19. fresh cut grass
  20. champagne + chocolate dipped strawberries 
  21. the innate goodness in all of us
  22. music
  23. this moment
  24. the expression of compassion
  25. god, in whatever form you interpret 
  26. creative expression
  27. the joy in observing children at play
  28. the cuteness of a puppy
  29. human connection
  30. learning new skills
  31. sunsets
  32. sunrises
  33. inner growth
  34. dancing
  35. fresh laundry
  36. life
  37. starting over
  38. the connectedness of everything
  39. thunderstorms 
  40. the human experience
  41. the 6 senses
  42. change
  43. the mind
  44. the heart
  45. developing hobbies
  46. the human body
  47. sleep
  48. dreams
  49. the stars
  50. BBQs on a warm summer evening
  51. endless knowledge
  52. motivation
  53. inspiration
  54. all living species 
  55. falling in love
  56. water
  57. wild and beautiful animals
  58. house pets
  59. riding the ferris wheel 
  60. going fast in a boat
  61. diversity
  62. endless wisdom
  63. hobbies
  64. meditation
  65. comphy socks
  66. good conversation
  67. massages
  68. simplicity
  69. letting go
  70. the shade
  71. teaching
  72. good rest
  73. inspiring people
  74. coincidences 
  75. cozy days inside with a good movie
  76. medicine
  77. being goofy
  78. integrity
  79. giving
  80. receiving
  81. parties
  82. community
  83. sun kissed skin
  84. nostalgia 
  85. road trips
  86. positive rituals 
  87. learning from others
  88. the beauty in everything
  89. the beach
  90. laughing at yourself
  91. bicycle rides in the summer time
  92. sensual pleasures
  93. miracles
  94. unconditional love
  95. majestic views
  96. lessons learned
  97. modern technology
  98. compliments
  99. soul connections
  100. knowing that at the end of the day, we all want to feel loved and accepted
with love.
katie lain

7 Meditation Methods for Pure Happiness

I believe… Meditation gives you the gift of existing in the present moment…  and developing trust in your intuition -- your inner self… and there is no other freedom like it.


I hear people say that they can't meditate. They say that their mind won't stop racing, they don't need meditation and that they can't sit still for that long. For most, these are simply reasons not to…. because we don't know how to. To someone who has never meditated before,  it seems impossible, un-enjoyable, unproductive and even silly. However, to realize or even just have a glimpse of the profound benefits that come with a meditation practice --  can transform your life forever. Meditation is a celebration within the human experience. All that you have to do is start…. and like with anything, the key is to practice. 

Meditation comes in many forms, do whatever form works for you in this moment. Don't compare your meditation or spiritual practice to any others…  and don't judge. But rather, be open to learning from others and sharing your experience with them. Be open to what it is that settles your mind, and embrace it.  

I have an ever-evolving mediation practice that is varied, growing and well-rounded based on what my intuition guides me toward in that moment. The only constant is that I do it daily… consistently - in whatever form feels right for right now. 


7 Meditation Methods for Pure Happiness


“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. 
Conscious breathing is my anchor.” 

Guided meditation was my first introduction to meditating and I still make this part of my practice regularly. It broke the barrier I had with meditating because it taught me how -- how to keep my mind focused and present with what I was doing -- even with the constant stream of thoughts that come into my head. The voice - the guide, serves as a continuous reminder to remain focused on the meditation. Thoughts come in, but you learn to let them go.  There are great resources for guided meditations on YouTube, and also countless that you can purchase in iTunes or on a  CD. Some of my favorites authors of guided meditations are Kelly Howell "Universal Mind Meditation" and Abraham Hicks.


“Mindfulness isn't difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” 

Mindfulness meditation is a form of meditation that simply practices being present and aware with what you are doing at this moment. Rather than having thoughts race through your mind about what you should be doing instead, the argument you had last night with your spouse, what is on your to-do list for tomorrow, etc…. you allow your mind to be aware of what is happening in this moment. You allow thoughts to come in like a wave - acknowledging them, then easily letting them go… returning your focus to what you are doing right now. A technique that helps me with this comes from Eckhart Tolle, and it is to put attention and awareness on my body -- feeling the liveliness of your inner body. This form of meditation can literally be practiced anytime and anywhere - while you are doing the dishes, on a walk, eating a meal, out with friends… anything, just allow your mind and your thoughts to be fully aware and present in exactly what you are doing. 


“The problem with introspection is that it has no end.” 

Contemplative meditation is the form of meditation where time is spent in introspection -- contemplating oneself, situations and experiences in life. It is a deliberate processing of thoughts with the pure intention of better understanding oneself for inner growth and expansion. Like all meditations, you practice contemplative meditation with an open heart and mind - without placing judgement or blame onto your thoughts. 


“Have love for your inner Self and everything else is done for you.” 

Affirmations are an extremely effective method of mediation that allows you to grow in self love - which is where all transformations start. Affirmations allow you to uncover negative blocks (often ones that you are unaware of) that prevent you from living out your divine purpose. Affirmations can be spoken verbally to yourself, written down, spoken silently to yourself or listened to through a guided form.  To be honest - at first affirmations feel awkward or silly. But if you keep practicing them - the benefits will unfold in your life. Affirmations can be anything you want to tell yourself and believe, some examples are, "I love you" "You are safe" "My work is creative" "My life is filled with grace" "I make plenty of money doing what I love" "I am joyous" … what matters is stating your affirmation consistently and from your heart. Not just memorizing it and saying it from you mind - but feeling it from your heart. Tip: if you struggle with this at first, imagine that you are saying these affirmations to somebody you love deeply. Saying them like you mean them -- because you do. Once you can generate that feeling of love and sincerity,  practice the affirmations with yourself - while maintaing that feeling of love and sincerity.  Louise L. Hay, founder of Hay House is renowned and recognized for her advocacy in the power affirmations. "Pinch me Living" on YouTube offers a great example of guided affirmation exercises.


"I get those fleeting, beautiful moments of inner peace and stillness - and then the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day, I'm a human trying to make it through in this world."

Silent/stillness meditation is the form that scares most people away from meditating. We have all felt this feeling of stillness and peace at some point - whether intentional or not… being on top of a mountain taking in a breathtaking view, watching a beautiful performance, observing a child play from afar, basking in the sun, time spent in nature or appreciating an artistic masterpiece.   These moments are times when we are connected with our soul. Usually they last just a few seconds or minutes, and then they are gone. However, these moments can be intentionally captured at any time throughout the day - all that you have to do is stop, check in with your heart, your inner body, be still, just be… even if for only a moment. Because the more you practice getting into that moment, the longer you can stay there and dwell in the bliss of the present. This is something I try to practice throughout the day everyday -- whether while waiting in line, stuck in traffic, moments of solitude at work…. when you integrate this form of meditation into your daily life, especially into the 'unpleasant' activities like waiting in line - you begin to be less bothered by these situations, and find yourself enjoying the moment just as it is.


"It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision."

Visualizations are a powerful practice to bring about what you truly want in your life. Through visualization exercises, one can gain clarity on their life's purpose and deepest desires. These exercises remind you of the brilliant imagination you had as a child and wake up your ability to imagine or visualize your life as you desire it to be. When doing visualizations, it is important to be very clear with what you want - then begin imagining it as if it was already yours. Visualize it so clearly and deeply that you develop the ability to generate feelings in your heart and mind as if it were already a reality in your life.  Whether it's a job, a relationship, a place you want to live, a car, an accomplishment… you name it. Tip: Creating vision boards, writing goals and spending time in contemplative meditation are a few techniques for gaining clarity on what it is you want to visualize in your life.


"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."

Gratitude meditation: Although it can be hard to see at times, there is always something to be grateful for in life. Even the challenging times are a gift  as they are steps toward personal growth, understanding and learning. Gratitude brings an awareness to your life that  allows you to see the preciousness of each moment, of each day and this entire life experience. This form of meditation is also one that can be done anytime and anywhere… by simply bringing your attention to what it is that deserves gratitude in this moment. There is always something. As often as you can, bring your attention to the present moment and recognize what it is about this moment that is worth being grateful for. In my experience, if I am feeling sad or negative, I can shift my emotions from negative to positive by simply expressing gratitude for what is around. Some things I express gratitude for are: hot water for my showers, delicious meals, gestures of kindness, rude people… as they allow me to practice my compassion, friends, family, the feeling of love (in all forms), the health of my physical body, nature, the wonder of technological advancements, beauty (in all forms) and creative expression.

Thank you.

with love,
Katie Lain

Saturday, April 5, 2014

it starts with you

5 reasons I am starting this blog: the first post

Katie_Lain_CronenMy name is Katie, I am 27 and have an unconditional love of life -- on all levels and within all experiences. That was not always the case for me. Until my mid-20s I spent life as an anxious mess worried about things, filled with insecurities and a sense of unworthiness. Through hitting what I can only call my rock bottom, my views began to change and I started to see everything differently... in a much softer, beautiful and loving way. This was a gift and it keeps growing each and every day. Through my experiences and new way of seeing things, I have reached a level in life where I am naturally filled with joy and gratitude - no matter what. I see beauty from all angles and find inspiration and meaning in all of my experiences. My hope is to genuinely share with you what my heart tells me... in a way that can allow you to be touched, inspired and see life in all its beauty.

Now, the 5 (of many) reasons I am starting this blog:

1. To make your heart sing. The amount of unconditional love we can feel in our hearts is truly, truly endless. It can and is meant to grow your entire life. This unconditional love can be felt for every body (especially yourself), every experience, every situation...  everything. With that being said, I have unconditional love for you... and I will write and share from my heart with pure intention to make you feel that love.

2. To share ideas, quotes, authors and any other substantial content that positively shifted my life... with hopes it will do the same for you.

3. For laughter. As they say, 'laughter is the best medicine.' It feeds your soul and the more I connect with my soul the more I simply understand it and the beauty that lives within it -- within ME. This gives me the natural ability to laugh at myself and things in life that would have probably upset me before -- or would have occurred without any acknowledgment.  My laughter is not only humorous... but comes from a deep place of  happiness --- that is within ALL OF US! Yay... I hope to help you tap into that.

4. For Beauty. No matter what, life is meant to be beautiful. This is my life quote and I live by it. Beauty lies in every experience and every aspect of life - good and bad. It is all in how you perceive it -- and your perception is a choice. This can be a tough nut to crack, but the transformation begins with an open heart, open mind and a desire to see the beauty in everything. Do you want to see the beauty? I do, and I can... and nothing is more enriching. 

5. For Inspiration. To be inspired is one of the most heartening feelings in life. It can cause you to take action toward something you love and is the birth place of creativity. Quite literally... anything can serve as your inspiration - there is no set recipe or right or wrong way to be inspired. Embrace and act on that which inspires you. My intention is to inspire you -- and my hope is that you act on that inspiration to be who you truly want to be in this life. A few things that inspire me... vintage fashion, expressing love, live productions of any kind, difficult times in life and truly listening to others. What inspires you?

Thank you.

with love,
katie lain