Saturday, January 17, 2015


"being a good person is more than just not being a bad person."
-- a. lee martinez

to be good is something that has become as natural to me as breathing.
why that is i cannot say.
maybe it was the way i was raised...
the circumstances i've faced in life - positive and negative.
the feeling of love i have from deep within,
the connection to my higher power,
my deep appreciation for all of life...
or maybe it's all of these and more.
anything other than good hurts… it feels suffocation, feels wrong.
but, what is good?
good is right. good is truth. good is sustainable to life and a conscious decision we make about a way of being - each and every day.
good is not overly celebrated or recognized.
but it rewards from within.
it allows us to honor and embrace this beautiful life we've be gifted.
because for me, when i really sit and think about it -- life. is. magical.
these breaths i breathe and feelings i feel are not fully describable with words.
but good is also subjective.
and this is where ethics comes in. and integrity. experience. wisdom. environment. love. 
do we all interpret being a "good" person in the same way?
do we all have the same understanding of the difference between good (right) and bad (wrong)?
and then there are the gray areas…
in between right and wrong.
where does right end and wrong begin?
who sets this gauge?
who is the judge?
who is the score keeper?

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