Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Integrity and Humility

I have not posted in a little while. Life has been challenging lately… and while I am eager to write down my experience, I have not fully processed it yet and seem to be at a loss for words.

One lesson I can share which I have come away with through these hardships is that of integrity and humility. By that I mean the fine dance between maintaining your own truth – your own integrity,  while also remaining humble and open to new ideas, new ways of thinking and of being. This is the where growth lies on the spiritual path and why consistent mindfulness is so crucial to spiritual progression.
One of the practices I have found to be successful in my spiritual path is to always remain open and flexible to everything that presents itself to you... to go with the flow of life… “…be like water” as Bruce Lee is infamous for saying. Humility. The test however, lies in keeping a mindful eye on everything you are presented with in life – and to be connected with your truth and to stand by that truth, always. Integrity.

The tests for me lie in the moments where my humility is present, and I am remaining open, but in order to hold true to my integrity, I must speak up and speak my truth. This practice is new to me... and at these moments of applying the practice, I often find myself in contemplation of my integrity, which always leads me to further understanding of myself and my own truth. This is the constant practice of mindfulness... and with this I have come to an understanding that while humility and flexibility are crucial to evolving spiritually – so is speaking up and holding true to your own integrity… no matter how uncomfortable it may feel.

Cheers to that…. <3

With love,




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